Background, Froeground & kill Process in Linux

The ps (i.e., process status) command is used to provide information about the currently running processes, including their process identification numbers (PIDs)
ps Options:
-e  -  Everything, all process
-f  -  Full format listing
-u (username)  -  Display username’s process
-p (PID)  -  Display information for PID

Common ps Command:
ps  -e  -  Display all process
ps  -ef   -  Display all process,Full
ps -eH  -  Display a process tree
ps -e --forest  -  Display a process tree
pstree  -  Display process in tree format
ps -u (username)  -  Display a user’s process
top  -   Interactive process viewer
Background Process:
Unlike with a foreground process, the shell does not have to wait for a background process to end before it can run more processes. Within the limit of the amount of memory available, you can enter many background commands one after another

Background & Foreground Process:
command &  -   Start command in background
ctrl+z  -  Suspend the foreground process
bg {num}  -  Background a suspended process
fg {num}  -  Foreground a background process
jobs  -  Lists jobs

Sending Foreground Process to Background:
man ls

 List Background Process: 

Start Command in Background:
 man ls &

Foreground a Background Process:
fg 1 (job id)
Kill a Running Process:
ctrl+c  -  Kill a foreground process
kill -l  -  Display a list of signal
kill [-sig] [pid]  -  Send a signal to a process
ex:- 1. kill pid = kill -15 pid = kill -Term pid
        2.  kill -9 pid  (-9 for kill signal)
kill -9 2027

Background, Froeground & kill Process in Linux Background, Froeground & kill Process in Linux Reviewed by vijay pratap singh on April 12, 2017 Rating: 5

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